
DOS Command

Use the SUBST command to substitute a drive letter for a path in order to treat a virtual drive (a reserved area rather than an actual disk drive) as a physical ...

Subst - Substitute a drive letter for a network path.

The SUBST command can be used to map a drive letter to a LOCAL folder on the same machine. When a Substed drive is used to delete files or folders, that action ...


SUBST is a command on the DOS, IBM OS/2, [1] Microsoft Windows and ReactOS [2] operating systems used for substituting paths on physical and logical drives as ...


參數, 描述. <drive1>: 指定要指派路徑的虛擬磁碟機。 [<drive2>:]<path>, 指定您要指派給虛擬磁碟機的實體磁碟機和路徑。

Windows 10 doesn't recognize subst drive letters in Explorer

When using subst to create a new drive letter, the new drive is available in the command prompt, but the drive letter does not show up in Explorer.

windows subst命令实现原理模拟2

今天没啥事, 继续研究subst命令的第2个功能,卸载已经挂载的盘符. 试验之前,先用subst模拟一个盘符出来. call subst ...

windows subst命令实现原理模拟3

单步调试后, 可以知道, 如果盘符不存在, 就会调用DefineDosDeviceW挂载盘符. 挂载盘符的参数如下 DefineDosDeviceW( ...

[正版購買] Visual Subst 5.8

輕鬆將資料夾掛載成虛擬磁碟機的工具軟體- Visual Subst,可以輕鬆將常用資料夾掛載在檔案總管中,也可以應用於掛載Google Drive、OneDrive、Dropbox等 ...

介紹好用工具:subst ( 將任意目錄掛載成虛擬磁碟機) 分享

SUBST 使用說明. 建立路徑與磁碟機代號之間的關連。 SUBST [drive1: [drive2:]path] SUBST drive1: /D drive1: 指定您要指定路徑的虛擬磁碟機。


你知道在天天打交道的windows裡面有一個相對安全又方便高效的虛擬光碟機軟體嗎?那他就是一個純dos命令subst,其用法就是:subst 盤符:路徑(要虛擬路徑) ...


UsetheSUBSTcommandtosubstituteadriveletterforapathinordertotreatavirtualdrive(areservedarearatherthananactualdiskdrive)asaphysical ...,TheSUBSTcommandcanbeusedtomapadrivelettertoaLOCALfolderonthesamemachine.WhenaSubsteddriveisusedtodeletefilesorfolders,thataction ...,SUBSTisacommandontheDOS,IBMOS/2,[1]MicrosoftWindowsandReactOS[2]operatingsystemsusedforsubstitutingpathsonphysicalandlogicaldriv...